Teddy Bears Information and Price Guide- Antique Soft Toys
Information and Price Guide to Antique and Vintage Soft ToysMon, 04 Sep 2023 06:34:57 +0000en-US
1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.3214466011Musical Teddy Bears
Wed, 23 Oct 2019 07:21:08 +0000https://antiquesofttoys.com/?p=126Musical Teddy Bears. Some teddy bear makers inserted musical movements into their bears. Below are some examples of these bears including a German pink-tinted bear by Jopi and a rare…
]]>126Bing Teddy Bears
Tue, 22 Oct 2019 14:04:04 +0000https://antiquesofttoys.com/?p=119Bing Teddy Bears. Examples, information and price guides to antique and vintage Gebruder Bing teddy bears including a clockwork bear from around 1909 and a bear on wheels, also from…
]]>119Steiff Teddy Bears
Tue, 29 Jan 2019 18:34:25 +0000http://antiquesofttoys.com//?p=1Steiff Teddy Bears. The success of the teddy bear greatly increased the sale of all the engaging stuffed animals made by Steiff. Reference: Steiff Animals by Margaret Fox Mandel. Steiff…