Growlers were introduced during the late 1900’s. The growling sound was made by wind passing over a reed inside the bear by squeezing or tilting the bear. From the 1920’s more sophisticated growlers were made including musical boxes and records.
A Steiff 22-inch mohair bear White articulating limited edition (#1639) bear with growler. Very good condition.
Sold for US$ 152 (£ 118) inc. premium at Bonham’s in 2005
A STEIFF LARGE JOINTED PANDA, (5350,2), black and white mohair, brown and black glass eyes, black stitching, open felt mouth, swivel head, leatherette pads, growler and script button, 1950s 19½in. (49.5 cm.) high (slightly discoloured); and a multicoloured mohair Gymnastik Ball, (6400/20), with script button and yellow cloth tag, in original cellophane packet 1968 –7½in. (19cm.) diam. (2)
Sold for GBP 1,062 at Christie’s in 2010
STEIFF MOHAIR BEAR RIDING TOY, with growler, glass eyes, retaining metal button, fixed on a blue-painted metal base with red and black wheels, unusual steering feature. Circa 1930. 18 1/2" HOA, 23" LOA. Very good overall condition, possibly lacking handle-bar covers, mends near steering column insertion, growler currently not working, and areas of expected wear.
Sold for $750 at Jeffrey S. Evans & Associates in 2019